7 Best Pranayama benefits in our Daily life

Pranayama Benefits & their Importance

7 Best Pranayama benefits in our Daily life_www.ewholeness.blogspot.com

‘Pran’ means bio-energy and ‘Ayama’ means to regulate. Pranayama is just a limb of yoga. It is the practice of control breath in the body. It enhances physical awareness and enforces intersection. It controls our body energy through our breath. It is a practice to relax our body and stabilizes our emotions. If you are suffering from heart, lungs, kidneys or any physiological disorder then you can not practice pranayama. Do pranayama before meditation it quiet your mind for meditation. If pranayama is done in the wrong way then it can harm the body. Many researchers believe that pranayama can cure many stress-related disorders. It is a technique to regulate our breathing.

Types of pranayama

We can do pranayama at any time of the day on an empty stomach. Its practice leads to meditation. Purpose of this technique is to relax our body, mind by inhaling, exhaling of breath.

Kapalabhati Pranayama

another name of kapalabhati inhalation of fire. “kapala” means skull “bhati” means shining. This technique involves short and strong forceful exhalation and Inhalation. It involves active inhalation or passive exhalation of breath. There are 3 forms of kapalabhati. Vatakrama kapalabhati, Vyutkrama kapalabhati, sheetkrama kapalabhati

 It gives us spiritual, mental and physical benefits. Its regular practice is beneficial for belly fat loss. It increases the blood supply of body parts. It improves memory or concentration power by activating brain cells.

Anuloma-Viloma Pranayama

We breathe with inflow and outflow of air this process happens the whole day in our nostrils but when we control the inflow and out the flow of air is called anuloma-viloma pranayama. Lie upside down quietly. Close your eyes and exhale your breath till your lungs feel empty. Then inhale your breath for two or three seconds, pause or hold the breath for 2-3 second and release your breath slowly.  Repeat this process five times a day. It is a beginner level pranayama pose.

It brings a calm feeling in your body. It helps in strengthen or balancing the nervous system. It balances our digestive system, gives brightness to our face. It removes our body drowsiness.

Bhramari Pranayama

when we exhale it sounds like humming like a bee. That’s why its name is Bhramari means black Indian bee. Do this pranayama in sitting position. Put your thumbs on your ears and close your eyes with your index 3 fingers and inhale your breath or hold it for two – three-second. Gently Exhale your breath by making a humming sound. Repeat this process for four to five times

It prevents heart blockage. It gives relieve hypertension by lowering the blood pressure level. It is the best natural way to get rid of stress, anxiety, anger. It builds self-confidence. Prepare our mind for meditation.

Bhastrika Pranayama

Sit in a relaxed posture. Keep your shoulder muscle relaxed and back straight. This pranayama is more effective in vajrasana position. Fold your arm by making a first and place them near your shoulders. Now take a deep breath, fold your hand upward and open your fist. Now exhale your breath and take your arms down next to your shoulders and close your fist. Repeat this process two to three times.

It helps in respiratory issues like bronchitis, sinus.  It is a great cure for fibrosis, a great source for brain origination. It helps in energizing the mind and body. It is a great help for people suffering from depression and anxiety. Also, boost our immunity.

Sheetali Pranayama

Sit comfortably in a meditative position. Give relax to your body and mind. Close your eyes and place your tongue on your lower lip and try to roll your young. Inhale from your mouth. Retain your breath for four to five seconds then close your mouth and exhale slowly through your nose. Repeat this process for four to five times.

It is very helpful to cool our body and mind. It is very good for our eyes and glowing skin. It is also a good cure for hypertension. It removes acidity from our body. It is a good cure for tonsillitis.

7 Best Pranayama benefits in our Daily life_www.ewholeness.blogspot.com

7 Best Pranayama Benefits

1. Scientific Benefits of Pranayama

Many scientific studies are based on how pranayama benefit our body. There is some scientific benefit of pranayama are given below.

2. Benefits for stress

Pranayama calms our nervous system by increasing our oxygen uptake. It reduces stress, anxiety and depression. It helps to relax our body and mind, in other words, gives a natural chill-pill.

3. Pranayama Benefits our lungs

Pranayama is a breathing exercise. It helps in strengthening our lungs. It improves various parameters of lungs. It is helpful in asthma, tuberculosis, pneumonia conditions. It has a beneficial effect on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

4. Reduce insomnia

Deep pranayama improves our sleep time and quality. When we practice pranayama on regular bases it helps us to cure insomnia which is a sleeping disorder.

5. Immunity booster

It works as an immunity booster. Retaining breath practice improves our body immunity functions.

6. Pranayama Benefits for skin

Pranayama is the practice of breath. Breath retention supply oxygen to skin cells as a result skin start to glow naturally. If pranayama is done on a regular basis it helps in preventing skin diseases like acne, melasma and eczema.

7. Pranayama Benefits for brain

Pranayama regulates our vital forces or breath. It is a good source to create emotional balances and get relaxed sleep. It’s a daily practice increase oxygen supply to the brain and it nourishes brain cells. It helps to brain cell for function at an optimal level. Which decrease depression or anxiousness.

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How to deal with Nervous Breakdown?

Pranayama Benefits FAQs

  • Q: Pranayama practice can start at which age?
  • A: Pranayama start in 7-8 years of age. It is completely safe for children. You can continue pranayama for up to 100 years or more.
  • Q: Can we practise pranayama by watching online?
  • A: Some of the earlier easy pranayama poses can be practised online.
  • Q: What is the right time to do pranayama?
  • A: We can practice pranayama on an empty stomach in the early morning or evening.
  • Q: How much time should be spent on pranayama practice?
  • A: Daily Pranayama should be done for 30-40 minutes.
  • Q: Should pregnant ladies do pranayama?
  • A:  Pregnant ladies should avoid breath holding pranayama along with the advice of doctors, they should take safe poses.

7 Best Pranayama benefits in our Daily life_www.ewholeness.blogspot.com

The Bottom Line

Breathing is a natural process in the body. We breathe through our nostrils but when we hold out breathing for a few seconds is called Pranayama. There are many poses in pranayama. Every pranayama position has its own benefits for our body. Pranayama is a limb of yoga. It gives us a relaxed mind and body. If pranayama practised on a regular basis, we can get rid of many diseases like depression, anxiety etc.  
